Friday, December 12, 2014

A Christmas Story

In the Spirit of Christmas! 
My friend Malia and I took a ride through the Polynesian Cultural Center tonight, where we hopped on a Canoe and had our friend Niki push the back, with 20 other people visiting the place.

We learned about the story of the birth of Jesus in the Celebration of Christmas.

I learned something new in my own personal study. The scriptures in the Book of Mormon, again tell of the birth of Jesus. It's not as poetic, and it's not from a first hand account, because they were not in Bethlehem, therefore they couldn't tell a first hand account. But they had seen the sign of his coming, they had seen the star and they did believe.

3 Nephi 1: 17 "And they began to know that the Son of God must shortly appear; yea, in fine, all the people upon the face of the whole earth from the west to the east, both in the land north and in the land south, were so exceedingly astonished that they fell to the earth.
 18 For they knew that the prophets had testified of these things for many years, and that the sign which had been given was already at hand; and they began to fear because of their iniquity and their unbelief.
 19 And it came to pass that there was no darkness in all that night, but it was as light as though it was mid-day. And it came to pass that the sun did rise in the morning again, according to its proper order; and they knew that it was the day that the Lord should be born, because of the sign which had been given.
 20 And it had come to pass, yea, all things, every whit, according to the words of the prophets.
 21 And it came to pass also that a new star did appear, according to the word."
And after reading this, I realized, the faith that they had. To truly believe that a son was being born. Just like the people who weren't in Bethlehem, and saw the star and believed, so did the people in the America's. They too, saw the signs, and they too believed that Jesus had come and was born.
I sometimes wonder, if I was alive at their time, and I had just a "big star" in the sky as proof that the Messiah would be born, would I believe it? 
Not only would I believe it, but would I be so astonished that I would "fall to the earth" as they did in this scripture here. Would I truly know in my heart that this was the Messiah. How would I know? 
I think some of these same questions come to people today. How do we know there is a God? And not only that, how can we actually believe that he Loves us AND cares for us! And believing that his only begotten Son came and sacrificed for our sins! 
Believing without seeing, is that what faith is? Or is it seeing everything, except the one critical piece, and then believing? Because in all honestly, the people saw all the signs. There was the star, and there was no darkness, and it was light, it was "all things, every whit, according to the words of the prophets." Every single thing was exactly one point. Every single thing was exactly what the prophets predicted. They SAW everything, except baby Jesus. 
I asked my friend a question once, I asked her why the bible just didn't say straight forward "there will be a book that will come forward, and it will be called the Book of Mormon." I said it didn't make sense to me, that if it said that, then everyone that wants proof, would have proof, and they would know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I desire that so much, for people to understand the Book of Mormon, as I understand it, and I want them to experience the joy that it brings me.
She asked me "Do you think it would be easier to convince people that it's the word of God if it said that in the bible?" 
I Said "OF COURSE! Yes! it would be WAYYYY easier" 
She explained, that maybe that's why. That God isn't testing our ability to see, hear, read, and analyze all the details to make 'factual information'... but instead, maybe he wants us to learn, that even when we see everything that was predicted from the prophets, and we feel good about it in our heart, that we can choose to go forward with FAITH, because we do see, we do know, all except the one critical important detail of that belief. 
And how do we know if that one critical detail is the truth? if there is no book that says it, if we can't see it, how do we know?
How did the people who saw all the signs, but didn't see Jesus, know that Jesus was born, and KNOW that he was the Messiah...
They knew it in their hearts. They prayed, they received answer from God. They knew it will their heart, and because they knew it in their hearts,  it became a stronger answer and a stronger "fact" than anything they had ever known before. It meant so much more to them now that they knew it for themselves. They didn't need the "proof" the proof was all around, they just needed to know in their hearts.
And that's how we can know today too.
We can know that with many questions we have in our Heart to God. Especially during this Christmas season. Was Jesus the Son of God? Was Jesus born in Bethlehem? Did he take away the sins of the world? 
I know it to be true. I know that Jesus is my Savior, I know that he is the Messiah. I know that he was sent from God, and that God is his father, and that we are all children of God. I know that Jesus loves me, and I know that during this Christmas season, it is the most excellent time of the year to celebrate the birth of our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ, and have gratitude for what he did for us. I know it to be true, because I know it in my heart.
I challenge you to do the same. I challenge you to pray, and to ask God, if Jesus is the Savior, if he is the son of God, if he is the Messiah. Whether you are Mormon, Catholic, Atheist, Buddhist, Agnostic, Jewish, Islamic, Lutheran, or whichever religion or non-religion person you are. I promise that if you ask with a sincere heart, open to the answer, I promise that you will be overwhelmed with the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I promise it is worth it.
These things I say, in the sacred name, of Jesus Christ,

(The sunrise this morning on our morning bike ride 6:30am) 
Proof is all around us, we just have to open our eyes to see it

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Daughter of A King

Today was a day.
After waking up, my friend, Malia, and I decided to go to the beach.
It was a warm day, so we were excited because it's been raining here lately.

We get to the beach, set out all our stuff and start to tan.
Within 2 minutes, I'm not kidding you, we feel one rain drop, and believe me, when you feel a rain drop in La'ie Hawaii, then you run, as fast as you can.

We started putting away our towels and putting our clothes back on, over our swimsuits, hopped on our bikes and started pedaling just as it started pouring down rain.

We, of course, got soaked, before we even made it to the cafeteria.

I headed back to my dorm, when Malia decided to go study in the library. She isn't studious, so I don't know what's come over her. Maybe it's because it's finals week, but I haven't seemed to notice.

It was weird. I am completely packed, and I had my temple dress all packed away too.
When people go to the temple, we wear a white dress inside while we perform sacred ordinances.

Anyways, I had it all packed away because I went to the temple last night, and I assumed I would be too busy to go anytime after that, so it was packed in my suitcase. But, at 1:45pm, right after Malia and I ate, I felt super prompted that I needed to go to the temple. Long story short, after contemplating in my head for 10 minutes, I decided to go. I was too late to go for a full-session of temple goodness, but I did initiatories. Which are just the introductions into a session that need to be done before the session.

But before I left, I really wondered why God wanted me to go so badly, when I really wanted to lay in my bed and put on my warm sweater and sweatpants and watch pretty little liars with hot cocoa as it is raining outside.

As soon as I left my dorm, I ran into the lovely lady whom always checks if my room is clean, I got to see her and her son, and that alone was reason enough why God wanted me out of my room. To speak to her, and be friendly for one of the first times.

Then right before I entered the temple, I saw one of my good friends who works at the temple (by work, I mean volunteer, no one gets paid) He lost his keys, and needed help finding them, I didn't help much. But he gave me a hug and went on his way.

Then, as I started to do the initiatories, I realized that the names of the people whom I was performing ordinances for, were French! They were from France! And one of the names ended in Ducharme! Whom I think is related to me! It was so cool.

I'm looking at my family tree right now, and in the 1200's, I found an ancestor name Louis IX, "Saint Louis" King of France.  No way!

I think it's great to know about your family, and I think that's what God wanted me to learn. To seek out my ancestors and my heritage. It's important because they are my family, and in Heaven, I will get to be with all of them!

It will be so fun. I will be with Kings and Queens, and Dukes, and Courts, and Courtesses, and I'll also be with peasants, and maids, and servants, but it won't matter! Because in God's kingdom, it isn't like that. No one is better than another, we are all equal, and He loves us all the same!

If you're interested in your family history!
You can go to
And find files, and pictures, and family members. I thought it would be hard at first, but all I did is type in my grandparents names, and their parents and I got connected to ancestry down until the 900's! It's so cool the happiness learning and knowing about family brings you.

I love my family, yes I do! And Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's Plan!

I'm so excited to be with my family for eternity someday!

Excerpt from:
"Louis IX was born on April 25, 1219. At the young age of twelve, he was crowned King of France. Trained and guided by his devout mother, Blanche, he governed by holiness and justice.
Amid the splendor of his office, his humility was profound, and his charity for God and neighbor was deep. He founded hospitals, visited the sick, and built libraries, orphanages, cathedrals, and churches, many of which are still standing. He would invite as many as nine poor people into the palace for the evening meal each day.
Inspired to retake the Holy Land from hands and spread the true Faith, Louis undertook the Crusades. His first expedition ended in defeat and capture. Released, he tried again but died of fever in Africa. Louis IX, King and Crusader, was canonized by Pope Boniface VIII on August 11, 1297. His feast day is August 25. The statue of our patron saint was carved in Italy. It is a gift from the women of St. Louis Church." 
Libbie's Side note: (Canonized means to be such a wonderful person to be considered a Saint by the Catholic church many years after the person has passed away) 

(Saint Louis, Louis IX)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Learning to be humble

For these past two weeks, I have prayed almost every day for the Lord to help me be humble and become humbled.

I prayed for it everyday, and I didn't really know what to expect. I had done this once before, and a friend warned me that it's pretty risky to do that because when the Lord humbles you, he really humbles you.

I wasn't sure if I truly believed that. But, after that was said, I avoided asking to be humbled in my prayers.

But I don't know what caused it, but a few weeks ago, I got on my knees, and I decided that I needed to pray and ask to be humbled. I felt it was something that I needed to do. I told God that whatever challenge he gave me, that I would need his help to have the strength to endure it, and I closed the prayer and sighed, wondering what could become of it.

This week, I had a humbling experience. But I didn't even realize it until I was completely finished with it.

We have weekly cleaning checks, but this week, it was called "white glove check".. which just means that it's going to be more strict, and more difficult.

I cleaned my room as I do every week, and then I cleaned the toilet, which is my part for the week to clean. After we got checked, we were informed that we failed the cleaning test, but we could have a re-check. So we cleaned again. After the re-check, we failed again. Which meant that we would be charged $50 or we could do 5 hours of community service.

I was infuriated. I don't want to spend $50 on something such as a cleaning fine, nor do I want to spend 5 hours doing community service.

If you know me, you know that I love being right, and that I'm probably one of the most stubborn people you could meet.. besides maybe my Dad,  that's where I get it from. :)

And I love my stubbornness. I always have. It makes me feel full of power, and in all honestly, I am always right, and I always win. So this time, I wasn't going down without a fight.

I was so angry that I called the housing department explaining the situation and trying to put down the name of the woman who did the cleaning check. I then cleaned my room in a sarcastic-type of way. I emptied everything from sights view. I placed everything in my closet, and I took everything off my desk. I hid my blanket and pillow and my sheet and I took everything out of the bathroom and put them all hidden from sight in my dresser drawers and closet. This way, I was sure that there would be nothing that she could fail me on.

I then, proceeded to get allies. I invited my roommates into my anger. One roommate wrote a hate letter to the woman, while I wrote cruel notes all around that room that expressed sarcastic comments like "Clean enough yet?"

And then we had 24 hours to wait until her arrival.

Within those 24 hours, they were probably the most defining of that whole situation.

I proceeded to brag about my doings to my roommates as we laughed and spread angry words. I, then, invited other friends into my room so that they could see what I had done.

Other laughed along too, as I invited them to join my hateful game, which I was determined to win.

It wasn't until I invited two friends in, who took their stand, and told me how they felt, and how what I was doing was wrong.

I made them leave my room and then I was infuriated with them also. I now had three enemies instead of just one. And two of them, are two of my best friends here.

I went to bed and before I did, I knelt down again. This time I was a little fearful, my conscious was weighing on me, and I felt bad for pretending I was so righteous as I knelt down before the Lord. I didn't have much to say. I just told God that I loved him and I was thankful, and I quickly added for him to help me pass my cleaning check, and to be a better person.

I went to sleep. In the morning, I woke up. And it was a new day. And I looked at my spotless room, and then I looked around with all the notes that defiled it's cleanliness and purity. And I looked at myself. I saw my beautiful self in the mirror, and then I saw the hate and anger that defiled my cleanliness and purity.

I was so ashamed.
I took down the notes. I talked with my roommates. They felt the same way. We took down the hate letter. And we all kind of just talked about how, it wasn't the right thing to do.

I made amends with my friends and apologized to them.

And then I went to the temple this morning, and I thought about what had happened.

I chose to have so much hate, for a woman who was only doing her job. The job that she cared about, the job that helps support her family. The job that she is responsible for, and the rooms she is responsible for. And she was just trying to teach me to be responsible, and clean better than I had before.

I was humbled. I am sorry. And what I did was wrong.

The Lord will humble you each and every day, if you ask, and it is the best feeling after he does. Now I can look at myself in the mirror, and see that I am pure, and that I am lovely, that I am cleaner than I have been before, because I have learned to love and serve, even when I felt I was the person who was more right.

In Jesus Name,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

T'is the Season

Tis the season,
for love and cheer,
It's coming soon,
Christmas in near.

Celebration of Christ,
of his dear birth, 
It's a celebration,
that doesn't even comprehend his worth.

Yet still, it's lovely,
it's completely divine,
it's a day full of love,
with families in time.

Christ was born,
in Bethlehem,
A glorious being,
in a stable, small and broken.

But the spirit of this baby boy,
is much stronger than the rest,
he is the loving savior,
he's gone through the worst and best.

He did it because he loves us,
he loved us then and now,
he deserves our full selves,
for us to kneel and bow.

To consecrate ourselves to God,
the one who sent his son,
which means that we align our will to his,
so that our purpose can be one.

The purpose to be happy,
to love one another every day,
to expand our family,
in each and every way.

God loves me, yes I know this,
I know it is so true,
he loves me, loves me, yes he does,
Jesus loves me too.

So celebrate the birthday, of Jesus Christ, the Lamb,
the one who takes away our sins,
the one who looks at us within.
Celebrate with respect,
with honor and with care,
spend time with your family,
and let your love be shared.

--Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian)

(Jesus Christ statue in the Temple Visitor's Center, La'ie Hawaii)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


A go to a school where we start every class with a prayer (even biology, and math, and non-religion classes). The students say the prayers. We can pray for whatever we like. It usually starts out being grateful for this day, grateful that we can study here at this school, then people pray that we can feel the Holy Spirit to help guide us through the day, then some people pray we will remember what we need to for the tests, and that we will learn the things that we need to learn, and have a good rest of the day. The prayers, of course, vary depending on who says them. But they are pretty similar in an average prayer.

Today, I got to say the opening prayer for my New Testament Class. I prayed that we could learn the things that God wants us to learn, and that we can help to share it with others.

And, so, that's what I'm doing. 
Because Faith without works is dead, (as I learned in James 2:17), I decided to act on my Faith that I have in God, and work, by helping to share it with others. 

I'm presenting a Scripture Challenge for today, for anyone, and everyone reading this blog, I present to you this scripture challenge.

1-Go to the scriptures: This can include, but is not limited to, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. 

2-Online Scriptures work best, because it is easier to find specific words/phrases, so you can go to 

3- In the Search bar, type in "God" 

4- Write down, or type, as many of the characteristics of God that you can find.

5- Pray about them and Ponder them

In class, my teacher mentioned a book called "The Great Divorce" It is By C.S. Lewis, also the author of the Chronicles of Narnia. 

In the book, C.S. Lewis explains people on a bus to Heaven. Anyone is welcome on board, and anyone can leave, if they so choose, at any time. The bus first passes by hell, and those can choose if they want to come on the bus or not.

The story then takes the bus to Heaven, and some people get out, and some people stay in the bus. Some people even get out of the bus, walk around, and then get back in the bus to go back. 

I haven't read the book, so I don't know what the Author was trying to get across.
However, my challenge, my idea,

is wondering if I or if You would be on that bus. 
And, if we would stay on the bus. 
and, if when we arrived to heaven,
we would get off the bus,
and rest forever, in Heaven, as our final destination.

Heaven to me, is a place that is with God. A place where we get to dwell with God Eternally. Dwell, or live, or hangout, or whatever you want to call it. It just means being with God, in the presence of Him.

My last step of the challenge is 
6-Ask yourself: The God you found, the characteristics of Him, is that someone that you would feel comfortable with your whole entire life, and for the rest of eternity?

Maybe it seems like an easy question: Who wouldn't want to be with someone who is so loving and kind and caring every single second of their life? Why wouldn't I want to be with someone like that? 

I think sometimes, especially with my family, the times when I don't want to be with them the most is when I feel guilty. And, when I feel guilty, but I still know that they love me, and they treat me love, even when I'm not feeling love.

I think that's the point of the bus to Heaven.

I know it's the point of Heaven. Heaven won't be forced. It will be a place where if we want to go, we can go there. But if we don't feel comfortable there, then God won't force us there. He has other kingdoms set apart for people who don't feel comfortable being with someone that loving and forgiving, for whatever reason. 

Heaven will be a very glorious place. However, it may not be glorious for people who don't want to be there, or don't feel like they belong there, or feel to guilty to even face God, or even don't want to believe or acknowledge God. 

God won't force us to dwell with him forever. It will be our choice. 

I think that's why works are important. When we work on becoming Christ-Like, and loving people and forgiving people, and caring for people, we become more like Heavenly Father, and when we become more like him, it's more likely that we will want to spend Eternity in his presence. 

I feel that Heaven will be a joyous thing, a wondrous thing, a place where we can be happy. The happiness that we want, that we choose, that we feel comfortable with, that happiness can be ours.

In Jesus' Name,

(View from Haiku Stairs, October 4th 2014) 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Push it forward, and hold on strong

A lot has been going on, to make me seriously contemplate if I truly want to be a missionary, a representative of Jesus Christ, set apart to serve others.

I talked to Elder Bailey. Elder Bailey is a missionary serving here in La'ie Hawaii. He has down syndrome, and his loving spirit is very apparent to everyone he speaks to.

The first time I met him, he came up to me, and told me to go congratulate some girl who was being sent to Oakland, California for her mission. I didn't know him, I didn't know the girl, but his intention, was for the girl to feel happy and excited, and he gave me an opportunity to encourage and congratulate her.

I was laying down outside, basking in the sun, while waiting for my class to start and Elder Bailey came up to me and asked me if I was okay. I said I was. But I felt prompted to ask him if I should serve a mission. I told him that I wasn't so sure anymore, and I was worried I wouldn't be prepared.

He told me "Go serve," "Just go serve a mission!" "Why wouldn't you?"

It was so simple. I asked him why he decided to serve a mission. And he said "President Monson" (President Monson is a prophet of the Church). Elder Bailey told me "President Monson assigned my call, and so I came here."

For those of you that don't know, President Monson, also sent my call. He signed my paper and everything!

I realized after talking to Elder Bailey, that if he can do it, so can I.

I still wonder how I am going to teach people something that I just learned a little over a year ago.
It's still all so new to me, and so will it be to them.

But I learned to stop worrying about those fears and imperfections in myself. Because I know that Christ will make up the rest.

The missionaries who taught me didn't know every single peace of the Bible or of the Book of Mormon. They didn't, they couldn't, but they knew enough.

And I know that I will know enough for the people that I will teach. I will know enough and God and Jesus Christ will make up the rest.

That's all they have ever asked of us. They ask that we try our best, our very very best, in ALL that we do, and they will make up the rest.

That's the beauty of the atonement. Christ will always make up the rest. We are imperfect, but in Christ, we are whole. We are inadequate, but in Christ we can be all knowing, we are defeated, but in Christ we overcome.

We do our part, Christ always does his. The difference is, is that Christ never lets us down.
He never has, and he never will. 

I haven't been more excited for my mission than I have been this week, after the conversation with Elder Bailey.

Sometimes it just takes some pushing down, hard times, tough thoughts, to overcome, to try harder, and realize why I cared and tried so much in the first place.

And that, my brothers and sisters in Christ,
is Jesus Christ. That's why I care so much, because Jesus Christ is here.

In Jesus' Name

(Me, with the army, I'm joining!! JK[just kidding], not yet :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Hope to Endure

"Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more"
(Psalm 39: 12-13)

As I contemplate life, and my purpose in it, the more and more I know that my calling is to become like Jesus Christ.

The more sure I am of the missionary work that he has in store for me.

My friend Daniel got baptized today.

He called me afterward, and told me thank you. He thanked me for having the courage to introduce him to the church and the missionaries, he was grateful that he followed Christ and is experiencing the happiness of now being a part of his church.

I have a friend Masaki, and he said "By hearing my story, I want people to think about Christ, not me. I want them to realize that they can keep going and not because of me but because of Heavenly Father."

And that's so true. Daniel thanked me, because if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have heard about the church this summer, or have gotten baptized today. But, if it weren't for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I wouldn't have even been there.

I think the most important thing in life, is becoming as Christ would.

It's moments like these that make me know with a surety, that God is on my side, and my goal to become like Christ can be reached with their help.

God gives me hope.

I emailed Missionary President's wife in Arizona. I asked her about the bike situation. Everyone in the Arizona Tempe mission are required to ride bikes, and the price of the bike they recommended with everything that was necessary (head light, reflector, helmet, bike lock, etc.), was getting expensive. I have saved money for my mission. But I didn't save money for a bike, and a camelbak(which is also required), and for Temple Garments, and everything else included for a mission.

The bike was by far the most overwhelming task.
The mission president found me a sister missionary who is leaving in December and is willing to sell her bike to me.
I contacted her this morning to discus the prices.

She started crying and told me how happy she was that I was going on a mission, and that she knows how many people I will bless and how she is so grateful that I made the choice to join the church and serve a mission.

She cried, I cried, two complete strangers, one a phone call, crying together. Crying with Christ.

She told me she does not want to sell it, but she wants to give it to me. She told me that if she gives it to me, all she wants from me, is that I will give it my all, and I will do my very best that I can on my mission.

I started crying more, she cried more too.

Sometimes you don't realize how mindful God is of you and your situation.
I truly didn't realize how much God has been watching out for me.

I sometimes think that I'm alone in this, and that I consistently feel like I have to figure it all out alone, but God consistently proves me wrong. And he shows me over and over that all my needs will be taken care of.

I went to the temple today.
It was a blessing.
I got baptized for people who were not able to be baptized on this earth.
And it was beautiful.

In the temple, there are twelve Ox, they represent the 12 tribes of Israel(or the 12 sons of Jacob.) We are all a part of those tribes. And slowly but surely, we are being brought back together into the big loving family of Heavenly Father.

We were scattered, all about the earth, but now we can all rejoin Christ and God in his Heavenly Kingdom.

The work of missionaries is real, I'm doing it, you're doing it, we are all doing it, when we act in Christ each and every day of our lives.

I know that Christ is my savior. I know that God is mindful of me.
I know it. I know it more than I know the english language. I know it more than the back of my hand. I know it more than I know that my name is Libbie Rose Poirier and it's printed on my birth certificate.
I know it's true. I can't deny that. I just truly know it. 

In the sacred name, of Jesus Christ, this is his church, and he is hastening the work,


(Daniel Rossback- He got baptized today! October 17, 2014.)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I wasn't just a number

I was somebody.

I am a child of God.

As preparing for my mission, I watch and prepare and see what I need to do to be a missionary.

It hits me so hard every single time I watch this missionary work.

I told my friend today:

I never realized how big a part I was for the missionaries. And how all the missionaries care so much for those they teach. My name wasn't just on a list. I was discussed, I was talked about.

My needs, my wants, my desires, my purposes, meant something to them. They wanted to help me. I wasn't just on a list. I was planned and prepared for with every single missionary that I met with.

They spent countless hours saying my name, praying to the Lord, asking God, what they should teach me.

I used to think that missionary work was random or just completely the same for everyone. I used to think, that the first lesson I received, was the exact same as someone else. Or that all the lessons followed were as the order they were supposed to be and the lesson they were told to teach me.

It wasn't like that. The missionaries wrote my name down, and then talked about me. They talked about my progress, they talked about where I was at in life. They talked about what I might have concerns for. They talked about my weaknesses, they talked about what they can best do, to help me.

They made a plan for me, they made a plan for what they would teach me. And they did it, they reached me as Christ would.

They loved me as Christ loved those he served.

I wasn't just some number or another investigator of the church.

 I was a person.
I was a child of God to them. 

I cannot even comprehend how emotional I will be when I become a missionary. I see the effort, and each and every time I see it, I realize how much effort and love and care was put into me. How much the missionaries did and sacrificed, in order for me to learn, and to feel the holy spirit.

They not only taught me, but they fasted for me, and they fasted for my family. They fasted for my baptism, they prayed night and day for me, and when we had lessons, they prayed with me. They put me in their emails home, they wrote about me to their family. They asked their family and friends to pray for me. They asked God to give me strength, to help me change, to help me reach my goals of baptism and growing closer to Jesus Christ.

They truly cared.
They truly loved.
They truly are the Followers and Disciples of Jesus Christ.

Missionaries are real, they wear that name tag for a reason. 

They are truly representatives of Jesus Christ.

And they helped me grow closer to Christ, through their efforts, and service, while teaching me.
And they helped me become baptized, to grow and continue in faith towards my Savior, Jesus Christ.

(My Baptism in a river, with Missionary: Elder Decker) 

In Jesus' beautiful and Sacred name,


Friday, October 3, 2014

Never Alone

Being alone is sad,
but an even worse feeling, is being surrounded by people, and still feeling alone.

It makes me wonder how the Savior felt, knowing that everything he was going through, that no one understood, no one could understand. He was utterly alone.

He didn't have a shoulder to cry on, he didn't have a brother to call, or his best friend by his side. He walked his path alone, he took the cross alone, he died for all of us, alone. 

He did all this, so that we wouldn't have to feel alone.
So that when we go through our trials that are one on millionth or kazillionth of what he's gone through, that we don't have to feel alone.

Because our Savior understands, our Savior knows.

It's really hard feeling sad. Searching your contact list, looking to see if you could find one person who may understand just exactly what you're going through.

Life wasn't meant to be hard, but it also wasn't intended to be easy.

We knew the challenges we would face, we knew how hard it was going to be.
We knew how this earthly world would treat us when we came down here,
but we still decided to come.

It makes me wonder, what did I know then, that I don't know now, that proves to me,
that all these struggles and trials on this earth are worth it.

Are worth the blessings and the thanksgivings we get in Heaven.

Whatever we had in the pre-mortal life before this, wasn't nearly as much as the potential we have in the life to come.

Apparently, it's worth it.

And even though it's hard, we don't have to do it alone.

Our Savior is with us, every step of the way.

I may not have a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold, or just someone to hold me tight till my tears go away,

but I do have Christ, and he cares, and he understands,

And he'll be with me, even when I feel like no one else is.

I'm grateful for that. I'm truly blessed.

Thank you Jesus,
Thank you my Savior,
thank you for never abandoning me,
thank you for helping me.
Thank you for never given up.

In Jesus' Name,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dust Mites

Microscopic bugs that live off of dead skin cells, and if you're lucky, you won't be allergic to all of these little bugs that live everywhere, especially in hot climates.

They are a bit like Satan.

A dust mite isn't huge. It isn't this huge spider bug that comes and eats you and makes you miserable.

No, not at all.

It just all these tiny little bugs that microscopically move around you until they finally start to get to you, and cause reactions and symptoms that slowly but steadily affect you and others around you.

That's what Satan does.

Satan is tricky. He is a dust mite.

Satan knows us, so well. He knows that if he throws heroine in front of us and says "take the heroin, it's good," that most of us can see easily that it is bad and Satan is taking us away.

Satan doesn't send a "bad man" our way who gives us a gun and asks us to join his gang.

No, that would be way to obvious, way too wrong. Way too easy for people who love God to easily say "No, I won't shoot someone.".

Satan works in such a different way.
He is the leader of one huge colony of dust mites who do tiny things here and there. At first, they don't matter. If you speed a little bit one day, or you say a bad word, or maybe you slip up and say a lie, or cheat on just one question on the test, or say one bad thing about your friend or your roommate.

These little tiny sins that we do everyday. They don't seem bad. I mean, we aren't killing anyone are we? We aren't really hurting anyone, are we?

Maybe we don't directly hurt someone, maybe we don't intentionally do it. But each and every day, as we slowly and steadily allow those small things to become habits in our lives, we are slowly but steadily allow Satan to have more and more influence over our lives.

Maybe it's just one comment here or there, but those comments add up, they cause anger, they cause pain, to the giver and the receiver.

And then when we finally want to stop, when we want to stop gossiping and stop lying, or stop cheating, it becomes that much harder because they are our daily habits.

Those little sins, they do hurt. Maybe we think they are less than murder, or adultery.
But I assure you, they are just as bad.

God see's sin as sin.
No unclean person can enter into his presence.

If you are a liar, or, if you are a murderer,
God see's you the same. He see's you as a sinner.

And people who are in their sin will never be able to enter God's kingdom.
No matter what sin it is.

No sin will ever be allowed.
Because God is pure, God's kingdom is pure, it's a place of perfect purity, there is no room for any sin.

That's why God gave Jesus, His Sacred Son.

Because Jesus understands sin. He understands all of our weaknesses, he understands all of our temptations. He understands all of the reasons we want to sin, and the reasons why we choose to sin. Jesus knows it all, because... he experienced IT ALL.

Jesus Christ is our advocate.
When God is there to judge us,
He will be a asking Jesus Christ about us.

He will ask if we were sinners.
He will ask if we repented.
He will ask if we have faith in Christ.
He will ask if we never gave up.
He will ask if Jesus find's us acceptable to enter into His Kingdom.

Jesus is our advocate.
I heard this beautiful story once.
It was the story of Christ.
The story of a huge storage room.
In it, were every single sin that was ever committed.
There was a drawer full of sexual sins, a drawer full of alcohol and drug sins,
a drawer full of lies, a drawer full of disobedience, a drawer full of hate, a drawer full of anger. There was a drawer for every single sin, and all of them were committed by me.

Jesus walks in, and slowly, kindly, and gently, he opens the drawer.
He pulls out the first sin.
Where my name is, he crosses it out, and he signs his own name.
My name is no longer seen.
He goes to the next sin, and he signs his name again.
Then he goes to the next sin, they get worse and worse as he goes along, and he signs it.

He literally signs away every single sin that I ever committed,
and I am free.
And I am sinless, and I am able to return to God, my Heavenly Father.

I am welcome, and I am loved.

At the end, Jesus gives me a big hug, he says he loves me, and he says, you are always welcome,
please stay.

That kingdom is now my home.
My place to live, and all of was done, through my Savior Jesus Christ.

I am worthy, I am pure, and God had just been waiting for me to start believing and start following and Jesus came right on in and took every one of my sins.

The beauty of gospel is this: you can always change. You always have the opportunity to become spotless before the day of the Lord comes.

You can grow, you can change, and best of all, you can follow the Holy Spirit, who will guide you in all things and bring unto you the greatest happiness we could ever experience.

Don't let the dust mites get you down.
You're better than that.
And Christ knows it, God knows it, and Satan knows it too, he just won't give up the fight.

But keep fighting, stay on God's side. He will protect you, and bring you peace.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Catholic Meets Mormon

His name is Venture, like "ADVENTURE."
He approached me after my New Testament class, which is a course that he is also taking.

He is Catholic and he goes to BYU-Hawaii, a Mormon school. He is a very happy person. And he follows God with all his heart.

It's interesting some of the things I learned in class today.
I have always known of the bible, since I was a baby. I was taught by wonderful Catholic parents.
We went to church every Sunday, and we would frequent the local Bagel Shop called "Jeepers" right after church. It was a perfect breakfast right after church.

But my church going days started way before then.

My Grandma Pat, is a born and raised Catholic who raised all her children in the Catholic church. I have fond memories of going to Grandma's house to go to early morning church with her. We would go everyday at 6 am! And afterward was always my favorite! (not saying that church wasn't fun, but I was young, and it was early). But everyday, after church there was this thing called "Coffee-Hour". I would never drink the coffee, because at age 6, coffee was pretty gross. BUT! I would always eat the donuts. The circle donuts that tasted so good.

It was always the weirdest thing for me to see Father Tom, who is a Catholic Priest, outside of church, wearing his black Catholic Priest suit. I was used to the white robes. But I felt immensely special knowing that I was the only one out of ALL My friends to see Father Tom outside of church.

Even at a young age, I was very analytical. I distinctly remember always watching him, wondering what he did, how he acted, and when he would go "home" (I thought his home was the church, and that he slept there.) It was fascinating to try and guess all these life details about him, and what he did besides conduct mass everyday. I could have asked, but I found it more interesting to analyze and guess, and I was a bit fearful of the big bellied man who spoke in front of hundreds of people each week.

My point being, is that I knew the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John very well. And often at church we would hear all about Paul's letters to the Corinthians or to the Galatians, or the Colossians (which I still have trouble pronouncing).

I would hear these gospels every week. But I had never really analyzed them myself. So, although I was a good-church going Catholic, I wasn't the best Catholic at home, I didn't read the bible, nor did I pray that often alone. But each night, my Mom would sing my favorite Christian song to me until I fell asleep. And that was her prayer for me.

Some may wonder, why I speak about being Catholic, when I am Mormon, and believe 100% in the Mormon beliefs.

The reason I reminisce about my Catholic days, is not because they mislead me, or because they taught false doctrine, or tried to get followers away from God. No, I talk about my Catholic days because of the exact opposite. They helped me have the knowledge of the gospels.(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

By the time I was 6, I was already on my journey, learning and loving God with every step of the way.

I was lead from the beginning, and I won't stop being lead. Because God will never abandon me. He started me off good, on good grounds, with a great foundation of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Savior. The more I study, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I want to learn.

God never wants me to stop learning. He ignited that fire in me during each of those masses I attended, during all the "Coffee-Hours", during the church and then Jeepers breakfast, and the prayers and guidance of a loving Catholic family who has wanted only the best for me.

I am grateful for my childhood. I am grateful for my upbringing. God has a plan, and I know that he made no mistake when I was born to my parents, with my sisters, to my grandparents, and aunts and uncles. We are all a family for a reason, and I truly believe it.

(17 May, 2013. Me and Grandma Pat at Pybus Market) 

I love my family,

With love,
-Libbie Poirier

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Dive through the Sky


Although thrilling and exciting, It wasn't scary.

Maybe you don't believe me, but even the guy that was strapped behind me and pulling the shoot, told me that he was surprised at how calm I was, and that I wasn't even scared.

I honestly thought I would be scared. I thought I would be freaked out, and it would be so scary, especially while preparing and getting on the plane and jumping out, and then free falling for 60 full seconds until the shoot was pulled.

For me, it wasn't scary at all.

I don't really know why.

I can really only contemplate it, and, all I've got is connecting it to my life here on earth and God.

Before we came to the earth, we were with God. He loved us, AND we loved him. We had the option before earth, if we wanted to follow Satan, or Jesus. By following Jesus, we chose to come to this wonderful, beautiful, glorious earth. We chose that we wanted to have a home for our spirits, that's why we were given a body. 9 months of preparation...  we were all made in our mommy's tummy's and then out we came, body and spirit, to make us a soul.

I think, the reason that I wasn't scared, is because there was someone who was strapped to me, who had done this before, and had all knowledge of exactly what to do to make us land safely.

I knew where the destination was, and I knew where the jump was. All that I didn't know, was the in-betweens. The soaring through the air, when the shoot was going to be pulled, when we would do flips in the air, or spin round and round till I felt sick, and then suddenly stop spinning and just see the beautiful ocean with all the mountains, and realize that I'm on an island 14 thousand feet in the air, and then slowly but steadily as we made a landing on the ground and the ride was over, and I felt good, and we gave a hi-five and a hug, and he said, "good job!"

I think that it's a bit like life. We know where we came from, we came from our parents, and we essentially came from God before this life. And we know where we are going, we are going to return to God.

It's just all the in-betweens that we don't know.

But if we trust and follow the instructions, we will make it safe.

I was instructed to make sure that I was wearing the gear safely, that I had my eye goggles strapped on, that I would tuck in during the jump, and then I would open my arms and fly when I was tapped on the shoulder too. And then as we were landing, that I would life my legs up and we could make it safely to the ground.

I followed my instructions, and my instructor lead me safely to where I need to go.

God is the instructor, he is leading us, guiding us, prompting us, helping us. He is strapped to us, wanting to be with us everywhere we go.

It's only when we decide we don't want him anymore, that things get scary. That if we choose to unstrap ourselves from God and try to get away, that's when life gets even harder. That's when you don't see any plan for your life and you don't know if you're going to land safely or not. At first it may feel fun, being all alone, but then when you realize you're all alone, that's when you feel like you have no one to surround you or be with you at all.

But that doesn't mean that God won't come swooping in and strap you in, if you just ask.
And God is all powerful and all wonderful, and he can come flying through the sky so fast and pick you up. No matter how close you are to the ground or how far off the path you are.

God will pick you right up and help you land safely.

I think that's why I wasn't scared.

I know that sky-diving had a plan, it had a course, and I truly trusted and believed, that I would land safely back to where I wanted to go, and after I arrived, I would have one huge experience that I had never experienced before.

God is a sky-dive instructor, God is my hero, God is guiding me, and instructing me where to go, and he is making sure that I am safe all the way home. Home where I can give him a big hug, I can tell him "THANKS!" and he can hug me back, and tell me "Good Job, Congratulations, You did it."

I know this is the truth, I know that God is always here, God will always guide us safely through the unknown skies, and if we are smart and lucky enough, we will look at where we are at in the sky, and just enjoy the beauty in all of it.

In Jesus Christ's Sacred name, I pray,


Sky Diving with Malia, Minlief, Alecsa, and ME

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Home on Earth

The feeling that I have right now is one that can not be described with all the emotions and value behind it.

Because the value of friends who are family, is unmeasurable. Just as the value of family is unmeasurable.

I woke up today, just like any other day.
Actually, I was tired. Because last night I stayed up late at a friend's house for "art night", where I painted a picture of a mushroom, which... if I'm lucky, it might go up on their art wall!! (Which is a big deal)

This morning, I went to breakfast found some friends and ate with them until class.
I really had a lot of energy today so after class and eating lunch, I wanted to do something.

People were busy, and tired, and hungry, so I couldn't find someone who wanted to do anything.
Except one friend! So him and I went on a short hike where we got eaten by mosquitoes.

It is called the PCC Hike, PCC-Polynesian Cultural Center hike.

It's one of the not so man-made trails, back and forth through a creek till you get to the top and you can jump in by a small water fall.

It was a short hike, and afterwards, I still felt full of energy.

I went on a short run about a mile or so to Laie Point. I was pretty hot from the run, so I went there to jump off the cliff into the water.

Not to my surprise, there were a group of people there whom I had known and become friends with!
I jumped off once, and then as they left, I went on my way and finished my run.

I didn't bring my phone on my run, or else I would have gotten a picture of the most beautiful thing in Laie at night, the Laie Temple.

I wasn't going to run towards it, instead I was going to take a shorter route.
But something inside me prompted me to run nearer and towards it.

During the 5 block radius, I was staring straight at the temple and jogging towards it.
Everything was getting dark, but the darker it got, the brighter the temple became.

The Laie Temple is beautiful.
A place where even in the darkest of hours, it will be shining bright.

This week was a harder week for me, I like it here, but I was having a lot of trouble adjusting to my new life here.
I didn't have a kitten sleeping with me like in Ellensburg, I didn't have my sister sleeping right next to me, or my parents so near for my mom to make me soup, my favorite thing, and mostly the freedom and ability to get in my car and go wherever I want, whenever I want, whenever I feel like it.

Here it's like, I want to go somewhere, I take a bus, or I walk, or I run, or I find a friend who drives.
And this limited ability to go somewhere that I want to go is hard.

Especially when I just want a break away from everything going on.

School can be stressful, and honestly, sometimes I just get sad.
While also preparing for a mission, I'm swamped on where I start, who I should call, what I should do?
I've never done this before, and most of my friends here haven't filled out their information to get their plane ticket to the MTC, or prepare a bike for them in their area they will be serving.

Even if the people here are returned missionaries, their parents often just did the work for them.

But here, in Laie, many miles away from the Wenatchee civilization, I have become overwhelmed with the work that I have in order to be ready and prepared for my mission to Arizona.

But tonight, things were different. As I ran towards the Temple, things were lifted. I just stared for five minutes at the beauty of the temple. I just stared, and it was lovely. I just knew, that things were going to be okay. That I would be okay, and this place where I'm at right now,,
This place is my home.

I had the wonderful opportunity for my friend, Masaki to give me a blessing on Tuesday night. It had been a good day. But I had been so sad, and so overwhelmed.

The priesthood blessing gave me answers I wouldn't have expected, and comfort that I couldn't have imagined, and strength that I've experienced all throughout my day.

As I jogged slowly back from the Temple, I took out my earphones, and I listened to the sounds of my fellow classmates playing soccer, and the mother walking by with her child in her stroller, and I just had this 100 percent feeling that right here, right now, is exactly where God wants me.
That I am doing what he wants, that I am going to be OKAY! And that I AM OKAY! I am more than OKAY! I am great.

These people here aren't just my friends, they are my family, they are my second family; dear to my heart, and dear to my soul, this place is my home.

(Me jumping of PCC falls with a big smile on my face) 

I know that God lives, I know that he is here, and that he is mindful of me and watching over me,
in Jesus Name,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Because of Grace

With all sincerity in my heart I write this sentence genuinely and purely: 

"We are saved by grace after all we can do." 

Today marks the date.
1 year, 56 weeks, or 365 days, it has been since I joined the Church Of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

This day is probably the most important date in my life, except for the date of my birth.
Because August 12, 2013, is the date that I decided to change my life for the better,
and turn my heart towards God, and do my best to follow Jesus Christ in all that I do.

(Me, Ellensburg WA, 18 years old)

A year ago today,
I was baptized

I want to first express, how proud I am. 
Of myself.
I am proud of the person who I've become.
I'm proud of the wonderful young lady I am.
I am worthy.
I am a daughter of God.
I have divine worth.
I know that I am loved.

And I know that the path I am on is the exact path that God wants me to be on.
I know it is the right path.
I know that I am doing good things, with good people.

There is a time and place for everything.

And today is the time, 
and here in my apartment, in Ellensburg, WA,
 is the place I am supposed to be in my life right now.

And I am saved.
I am saved by the grace of God. 

There is nothing that I can do that will make God love me any more.
There is nothing that I can do that will make God love me any less.

It is grace.
I am saved by grace.

In a book called 7-Day Christian, 
it says
"Christ doesn't just want people to acknowledge his grace. He wants people to be transformed by it" 

God will love me, no matter what I do.
But because I love Him, I have chosen to become transformed by the grace He has given me. 

I'm proud to be a part of a Church that not only believes in grace
but actively embraces it,
and works hard each and everyday to be transformed by it.

We are not perfect.
Nor will I, alone, ever be perfect.

It is Christ who perfects us.

He is not just A way,
He is the ONLY way. 

I'm proud to be a part of God's church.
A church where "each is a Shepherd and a Sheep" -Cathy Gibb

Each of us, can guide and teach, and each of us can be guided and taught.
Each and Every day of our lives,
Because of grace

I encourage ALL of you reading,
to pray to Heavenly Father today.
To learn about the salvation he has given us,
and ask Him,
to show you his grace.

And be wrapped in the arms of his love.
His never-ending, unfailing love,
because of the grace which he grants us,
each and every day. 

In Jesus' sacred and beautiful name,

Sunday, August 10, 2014

He's the only one, that can make me Free

(Sunrise at Peshastin, WA. July 8) 
"How can you teach someone, that doesn't want to listen? "
-Al Fox

In 3 Nephi 9:20 "And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit."

A broken heart and a contrite spirit?
But what does that mean?

Willing to be humbled, willing to accept the truth, and act on it.
When we pray to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit,
we are then praying in complete sincerity.

When we are sincere in our prayers to the Lord,
the Lord gives us blessings.

All blessings are brought about by a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

I sometimes just wonder, am I just too prideful or proud in some of my ways, that I can't be humble enough to think that perhaps I don't know? Perhaps I don't know everything, and perhaps I have something to learn from everyone around me.

Not only the people in my life, but God, and Jesus Christ. And Christ's exemplary example of perfection.

I need to humble myself enough to lay down all of my efforts, to lay down all of my sins,
and say I trust in Jesus, I trust in his power.

It comes from a song, it continues to say "I trust in his resurrection, because he's the only one that can make me free, he's the only one that can make me free."

And it's true.
He is the only one. The Perfect one. The saving one. Our Savior Jesus Christ, laid down everything, not because he deserved it, not because he was "bad" or a "sinner", but merely because He loved us.

When we think of a sacrifice, we need to give up all that we are, all that we have, and be willing to change all of it, at the Lord's command. We must trust in the Lord enough, and trust that he is the only that will make us happy.

We need to give the ultimate sacrifice, and sacrifice our pride, We need to humble ourselves before the Lord our God, and repent each and every day, to feel the love and saving power of Jesus Christ.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Love Eternal

(Abbie with Carson, the Ring Barer, and Cassandra the Flower Girl) 

I want to congratulate, a beautiful bride, a loving groom, and a future full of love and happiness.

I can’t begin to express the absolute joy it brings me to see my sister, Abbie get married, to a respectful and caring guy, Kevin Estep.

They are now joined together as Abbie and Kevin Estep.

The sound of that rings like bells on high.

At first I thought, I’ve lost my sister, like many times before when she went to high school, or when she left for college, or when she got her own house.

Now, it involves someone else. Not only is Abbie choosing her life for herself, but not she has added a whole another dimension to the picture, a husband, who she rightly should place their relationship at a high priority.

It doesn’t mean that their relationship is more important than the relationship than my sister’s and I’s. It just means it’s different.

And it’s a good different.

I have to share my sister with someone else now, and I honestly couldn’t be any happier, about who I have to share her with.

I’m grateful for God influencing both of them to meet eachother and for them deciding to make this relationship official in the bond of matrimony. 

I also love that they got married in a church, and they want to focus their love and their relationship upon God, and upon Jesus Christ.

What better foundation could they have chosen? 

Nothing. Nothing is better than a relationship set on God, and centered around Christ.

I’m so proud of Abbie, and I’m so proud of Kevin too.

I love them both so much.

And I can’t wait to watch and see their lives develop together.

They inspire me.

In Jesus’ Name,


Monday, July 21, 2014


It's crazy to think of the power we have.
Or the Lack of.

To know something is so real, as real as the rising sun, or as real as you or me. 
              But not being able to convey that to someone else.

I've always heard that song "Jesus Take the Wheel".

                But Jesus won't take the heel.

                    That's the biggest most wonderful and terrible things in our lives.
                                                                                                                   Our Agency to Choose.

God can hand us a map, 
                        And help us along the way.
But not God, nor Jesus, 
                                                                                  Will EVER take the wheel. 

It's our car, it's our lives.   It's our wheel, it's our Choices, 

God Will NEVER choose for us. 

All that God can do, 
                   Is share his message.

And he decided long ago, that it would never be a forced decision.
That we would always have our agency.

They won't drive the car for us.
All they can do is give direction. They can give guidance and care.
God provides speed limits, and road signs.
We can follow them,

So that perhaps maybe, if we do choose to follow those road signs, and follow the guidance, that perhaps someday, we can reach our destination safely, and happily,
Having enjoyed the whole ride. 

A tree: By Libbie Poirier

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kitty Love

One little kitty.Very special.
Very cute.
Very playful.
We run in circles after each other. 
Chasing each other.

You're so playful, I tell the kitty.

I don't consider the kitty my best friend.
But what if it was.
My best friend.
The most playful being on the earth.

The one who jumps on me when I'm sleeping.

The one who allows me to have the bed, when it sleeps on the floor.

Gives me the blanket because it has enough fur to keep it warm,
or even if it is cold, it has enough love for me to just let me have the bed.

To tell me if I look good or not for the day.
The one who is there for me when I confide in it.
The one I tell the concerns of my life.
The fears I have.
Every secret, every fear, every feeling I ever had.

I told.

But why. Why would the kitty ever want to hurt me?

Or why would anyone ever want to hurt a kitty.

Something so playful, so wonderful, so beautiful, so captivating.

But somehow, it still ends up hurt.
Maybe the play was too much.
Maybe the rules were too tough.
Maybe the good didn't outweigh the bad.

How can one go from being a best friend, a playful loving friend, to someone who wants to hurt, and wants to scratch and kick and bite.

This kitty is the best kitty I've had.

I cannot see why anyone would ever want to hurt this kitty.

Kitties need love. That's all they want. This kitty would do anything for my love.
This kitty does anything and everything for my love.
And in return, I can play with the kitty as much as I want.

And the kitty will always love me.

People need love too.
Pure love.
Love that comes from Christ.

So that no matter how many scratches or kicks that one gets, the pure love can maybe overcome it.
A love so deep that won't be abused. Christ loves us so much. We are sometimes kittens in his play pen. We may bite or scratch, but he will still feed us and give us water, and clean us when we need to be pure.

Christ will never abuse the love we have for him, and he will never stop loving us.

People stop loving all the time. People abuse the power of love.

But Christ won't. God won't. They will always be there.