Sunday, August 10, 2014

He's the only one, that can make me Free

(Sunrise at Peshastin, WA. July 8) 
"How can you teach someone, that doesn't want to listen? "
-Al Fox

In 3 Nephi 9:20 "And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit."

A broken heart and a contrite spirit?
But what does that mean?

Willing to be humbled, willing to accept the truth, and act on it.
When we pray to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit,
we are then praying in complete sincerity.

When we are sincere in our prayers to the Lord,
the Lord gives us blessings.

All blessings are brought about by a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

I sometimes just wonder, am I just too prideful or proud in some of my ways, that I can't be humble enough to think that perhaps I don't know? Perhaps I don't know everything, and perhaps I have something to learn from everyone around me.

Not only the people in my life, but God, and Jesus Christ. And Christ's exemplary example of perfection.

I need to humble myself enough to lay down all of my efforts, to lay down all of my sins,
and say I trust in Jesus, I trust in his power.

It comes from a song, it continues to say "I trust in his resurrection, because he's the only one that can make me free, he's the only one that can make me free."

And it's true.
He is the only one. The Perfect one. The saving one. Our Savior Jesus Christ, laid down everything, not because he deserved it, not because he was "bad" or a "sinner", but merely because He loved us.

When we think of a sacrifice, we need to give up all that we are, all that we have, and be willing to change all of it, at the Lord's command. We must trust in the Lord enough, and trust that he is the only that will make us happy.

We need to give the ultimate sacrifice, and sacrifice our pride, We need to humble ourselves before the Lord our God, and repent each and every day, to feel the love and saving power of Jesus Christ.


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