Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Because of Grace

With all sincerity in my heart I write this sentence genuinely and purely: 

"We are saved by grace after all we can do." 

Today marks the date.
1 year, 56 weeks, or 365 days, it has been since I joined the Church Of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

This day is probably the most important date in my life, except for the date of my birth.
Because August 12, 2013, is the date that I decided to change my life for the better,
and turn my heart towards God, and do my best to follow Jesus Christ in all that I do.

(Me, Ellensburg WA, 18 years old)

A year ago today,
I was baptized

I want to first express, how proud I am. 
Of myself.
I am proud of the person who I've become.
I'm proud of the wonderful young lady I am.
I am worthy.
I am a daughter of God.
I have divine worth.
I know that I am loved.

And I know that the path I am on is the exact path that God wants me to be on.
I know it is the right path.
I know that I am doing good things, with good people.

There is a time and place for everything.

And today is the time, 
and here in my apartment, in Ellensburg, WA,
 is the place I am supposed to be in my life right now.

And I am saved.
I am saved by the grace of God. 

There is nothing that I can do that will make God love me any more.
There is nothing that I can do that will make God love me any less.

It is grace.
I am saved by grace.

In a book called 7-Day Christian, 
it says
"Christ doesn't just want people to acknowledge his grace. He wants people to be transformed by it" 

God will love me, no matter what I do.
But because I love Him, I have chosen to become transformed by the grace He has given me. 

I'm proud to be a part of a Church that not only believes in grace
but actively embraces it,
and works hard each and everyday to be transformed by it.

We are not perfect.
Nor will I, alone, ever be perfect.

It is Christ who perfects us.

He is not just A way,
He is the ONLY way. 

I'm proud to be a part of God's church.
A church where "each is a Shepherd and a Sheep" -Cathy Gibb

Each of us, can guide and teach, and each of us can be guided and taught.
Each and Every day of our lives,
Because of grace

I encourage ALL of you reading,
to pray to Heavenly Father today.
To learn about the salvation he has given us,
and ask Him,
to show you his grace.

And be wrapped in the arms of his love.
His never-ending, unfailing love,
because of the grace which he grants us,
each and every day. 

In Jesus' sacred and beautiful name,

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