Friday, October 17, 2014

The Hope to Endure

"Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more"
(Psalm 39: 12-13)

As I contemplate life, and my purpose in it, the more and more I know that my calling is to become like Jesus Christ.

The more sure I am of the missionary work that he has in store for me.

My friend Daniel got baptized today.

He called me afterward, and told me thank you. He thanked me for having the courage to introduce him to the church and the missionaries, he was grateful that he followed Christ and is experiencing the happiness of now being a part of his church.

I have a friend Masaki, and he said "By hearing my story, I want people to think about Christ, not me. I want them to realize that they can keep going and not because of me but because of Heavenly Father."

And that's so true. Daniel thanked me, because if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have heard about the church this summer, or have gotten baptized today. But, if it weren't for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I wouldn't have even been there.

I think the most important thing in life, is becoming as Christ would.

It's moments like these that make me know with a surety, that God is on my side, and my goal to become like Christ can be reached with their help.

God gives me hope.

I emailed Missionary President's wife in Arizona. I asked her about the bike situation. Everyone in the Arizona Tempe mission are required to ride bikes, and the price of the bike they recommended with everything that was necessary (head light, reflector, helmet, bike lock, etc.), was getting expensive. I have saved money for my mission. But I didn't save money for a bike, and a camelbak(which is also required), and for Temple Garments, and everything else included for a mission.

The bike was by far the most overwhelming task.
The mission president found me a sister missionary who is leaving in December and is willing to sell her bike to me.
I contacted her this morning to discus the prices.

She started crying and told me how happy she was that I was going on a mission, and that she knows how many people I will bless and how she is so grateful that I made the choice to join the church and serve a mission.

She cried, I cried, two complete strangers, one a phone call, crying together. Crying with Christ.

She told me she does not want to sell it, but she wants to give it to me. She told me that if she gives it to me, all she wants from me, is that I will give it my all, and I will do my very best that I can on my mission.

I started crying more, she cried more too.

Sometimes you don't realize how mindful God is of you and your situation.
I truly didn't realize how much God has been watching out for me.

I sometimes think that I'm alone in this, and that I consistently feel like I have to figure it all out alone, but God consistently proves me wrong. And he shows me over and over that all my needs will be taken care of.

I went to the temple today.
It was a blessing.
I got baptized for people who were not able to be baptized on this earth.
And it was beautiful.

In the temple, there are twelve Ox, they represent the 12 tribes of Israel(or the 12 sons of Jacob.) We are all a part of those tribes. And slowly but surely, we are being brought back together into the big loving family of Heavenly Father.

We were scattered, all about the earth, but now we can all rejoin Christ and God in his Heavenly Kingdom.

The work of missionaries is real, I'm doing it, you're doing it, we are all doing it, when we act in Christ each and every day of our lives.

I know that Christ is my savior. I know that God is mindful of me.
I know it. I know it more than I know the english language. I know it more than the back of my hand. I know it more than I know that my name is Libbie Rose Poirier and it's printed on my birth certificate.
I know it's true. I can't deny that. I just truly know it. 

In the sacred name, of Jesus Christ, this is his church, and he is hastening the work,


(Daniel Rossback- He got baptized today! October 17, 2014.)

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