Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Daughter of A King

Today was a day.
After waking up, my friend, Malia, and I decided to go to the beach.
It was a warm day, so we were excited because it's been raining here lately.

We get to the beach, set out all our stuff and start to tan.
Within 2 minutes, I'm not kidding you, we feel one rain drop, and believe me, when you feel a rain drop in La'ie Hawaii, then you run, as fast as you can.

We started putting away our towels and putting our clothes back on, over our swimsuits, hopped on our bikes and started pedaling just as it started pouring down rain.

We, of course, got soaked, before we even made it to the cafeteria.

I headed back to my dorm, when Malia decided to go study in the library. She isn't studious, so I don't know what's come over her. Maybe it's because it's finals week, but I haven't seemed to notice.

It was weird. I am completely packed, and I had my temple dress all packed away too.
When people go to the temple, we wear a white dress inside while we perform sacred ordinances.

Anyways, I had it all packed away because I went to the temple last night, and I assumed I would be too busy to go anytime after that, so it was packed in my suitcase. But, at 1:45pm, right after Malia and I ate, I felt super prompted that I needed to go to the temple. Long story short, after contemplating in my head for 10 minutes, I decided to go. I was too late to go for a full-session of temple goodness, but I did initiatories. Which are just the introductions into a session that need to be done before the session.

But before I left, I really wondered why God wanted me to go so badly, when I really wanted to lay in my bed and put on my warm sweater and sweatpants and watch pretty little liars with hot cocoa as it is raining outside.

As soon as I left my dorm, I ran into the lovely lady whom always checks if my room is clean, I got to see her and her son, and that alone was reason enough why God wanted me out of my room. To speak to her, and be friendly for one of the first times.

Then right before I entered the temple, I saw one of my good friends who works at the temple (by work, I mean volunteer, no one gets paid) He lost his keys, and needed help finding them, I didn't help much. But he gave me a hug and went on his way.

Then, as I started to do the initiatories, I realized that the names of the people whom I was performing ordinances for, were French! They were from France! And one of the names ended in Ducharme! Whom I think is related to me! It was so cool.

I'm looking at my family tree right now, and in the 1200's, I found an ancestor name Louis IX, "Saint Louis" King of France.  No way!

I think it's great to know about your family, and I think that's what God wanted me to learn. To seek out my ancestors and my heritage. It's important because they are my family, and in Heaven, I will get to be with all of them!

It will be so fun. I will be with Kings and Queens, and Dukes, and Courts, and Courtesses, and I'll also be with peasants, and maids, and servants, but it won't matter! Because in God's kingdom, it isn't like that. No one is better than another, we are all equal, and He loves us all the same!

If you're interested in your family history!
You can go to
And find files, and pictures, and family members. I thought it would be hard at first, but all I did is type in my grandparents names, and their parents and I got connected to ancestry down until the 900's! It's so cool the happiness learning and knowing about family brings you.

I love my family, yes I do! And Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's Plan!

I'm so excited to be with my family for eternity someday!

Excerpt from:
"Louis IX was born on April 25, 1219. At the young age of twelve, he was crowned King of France. Trained and guided by his devout mother, Blanche, he governed by holiness and justice.
Amid the splendor of his office, his humility was profound, and his charity for God and neighbor was deep. He founded hospitals, visited the sick, and built libraries, orphanages, cathedrals, and churches, many of which are still standing. He would invite as many as nine poor people into the palace for the evening meal each day.
Inspired to retake the Holy Land from hands and spread the true Faith, Louis undertook the Crusades. His first expedition ended in defeat and capture. Released, he tried again but died of fever in Africa. Louis IX, King and Crusader, was canonized by Pope Boniface VIII on August 11, 1297. His feast day is August 25. The statue of our patron saint was carved in Italy. It is a gift from the women of St. Louis Church." 
Libbie's Side note: (Canonized means to be such a wonderful person to be considered a Saint by the Catholic church many years after the person has passed away) 

(Saint Louis, Louis IX)

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