Monday, July 21, 2014


It's crazy to think of the power we have.
Or the Lack of.

To know something is so real, as real as the rising sun, or as real as you or me. 
              But not being able to convey that to someone else.

I've always heard that song "Jesus Take the Wheel".

                But Jesus won't take the heel.

                    That's the biggest most wonderful and terrible things in our lives.
                                                                                                                   Our Agency to Choose.

God can hand us a map, 
                        And help us along the way.
But not God, nor Jesus, 
                                                                                  Will EVER take the wheel. 

It's our car, it's our lives.   It's our wheel, it's our Choices, 

God Will NEVER choose for us. 

All that God can do, 
                   Is share his message.

And he decided long ago, that it would never be a forced decision.
That we would always have our agency.

They won't drive the car for us.
All they can do is give direction. They can give guidance and care.
God provides speed limits, and road signs.
We can follow them,

So that perhaps maybe, if we do choose to follow those road signs, and follow the guidance, that perhaps someday, we can reach our destination safely, and happily,
Having enjoyed the whole ride. 

A tree: By Libbie Poirier

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