Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kitty Love

One little kitty.Very special.
Very cute.
Very playful.
We run in circles after each other. 
Chasing each other.

You're so playful, I tell the kitty.

I don't consider the kitty my best friend.
But what if it was.
My best friend.
The most playful being on the earth.

The one who jumps on me when I'm sleeping.

The one who allows me to have the bed, when it sleeps on the floor.

Gives me the blanket because it has enough fur to keep it warm,
or even if it is cold, it has enough love for me to just let me have the bed.

To tell me if I look good or not for the day.
The one who is there for me when I confide in it.
The one I tell the concerns of my life.
The fears I have.
Every secret, every fear, every feeling I ever had.

I told.

But why. Why would the kitty ever want to hurt me?

Or why would anyone ever want to hurt a kitty.

Something so playful, so wonderful, so beautiful, so captivating.

But somehow, it still ends up hurt.
Maybe the play was too much.
Maybe the rules were too tough.
Maybe the good didn't outweigh the bad.

How can one go from being a best friend, a playful loving friend, to someone who wants to hurt, and wants to scratch and kick and bite.

This kitty is the best kitty I've had.

I cannot see why anyone would ever want to hurt this kitty.

Kitties need love. That's all they want. This kitty would do anything for my love.
This kitty does anything and everything for my love.
And in return, I can play with the kitty as much as I want.

And the kitty will always love me.

People need love too.
Pure love.
Love that comes from Christ.

So that no matter how many scratches or kicks that one gets, the pure love can maybe overcome it.
A love so deep that won't be abused. Christ loves us so much. We are sometimes kittens in his play pen. We may bite or scratch, but he will still feed us and give us water, and clean us when we need to be pure.

Christ will never abuse the love we have for him, and he will never stop loving us.

People stop loving all the time. People abuse the power of love.

But Christ won't. God won't. They will always be there. 

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