Friday, October 3, 2014

Never Alone

Being alone is sad,
but an even worse feeling, is being surrounded by people, and still feeling alone.

It makes me wonder how the Savior felt, knowing that everything he was going through, that no one understood, no one could understand. He was utterly alone.

He didn't have a shoulder to cry on, he didn't have a brother to call, or his best friend by his side. He walked his path alone, he took the cross alone, he died for all of us, alone. 

He did all this, so that we wouldn't have to feel alone.
So that when we go through our trials that are one on millionth or kazillionth of what he's gone through, that we don't have to feel alone.

Because our Savior understands, our Savior knows.

It's really hard feeling sad. Searching your contact list, looking to see if you could find one person who may understand just exactly what you're going through.

Life wasn't meant to be hard, but it also wasn't intended to be easy.

We knew the challenges we would face, we knew how hard it was going to be.
We knew how this earthly world would treat us when we came down here,
but we still decided to come.

It makes me wonder, what did I know then, that I don't know now, that proves to me,
that all these struggles and trials on this earth are worth it.

Are worth the blessings and the thanksgivings we get in Heaven.

Whatever we had in the pre-mortal life before this, wasn't nearly as much as the potential we have in the life to come.

Apparently, it's worth it.

And even though it's hard, we don't have to do it alone.

Our Savior is with us, every step of the way.

I may not have a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold, or just someone to hold me tight till my tears go away,

but I do have Christ, and he cares, and he understands,

And he'll be with me, even when I feel like no one else is.

I'm grateful for that. I'm truly blessed.

Thank you Jesus,
Thank you my Savior,
thank you for never abandoning me,
thank you for helping me.
Thank you for never given up.

In Jesus' Name,

1 comment:

  1. You truly are never alone. But you also don't know how many people are cheering for you and loving you from a distance. Just got an email from Carly and she said this: "I'll read Libbie's blog. It's crazy, I've been thinking about her this week. I put her name on the prayer roll. I got to go the Salt Lake Temple!! It was beautiful. I loved it so much." You have us on the Mainland keeping you close to our hearts and in the temple prayers, as well. Laurel
