Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dust Mites

Microscopic bugs that live off of dead skin cells, and if you're lucky, you won't be allergic to all of these little bugs that live everywhere, especially in hot climates.

They are a bit like Satan.

A dust mite isn't huge. It isn't this huge spider bug that comes and eats you and makes you miserable.

No, not at all.

It just all these tiny little bugs that microscopically move around you until they finally start to get to you, and cause reactions and symptoms that slowly but steadily affect you and others around you.

That's what Satan does.

Satan is tricky. He is a dust mite.

Satan knows us, so well. He knows that if he throws heroine in front of us and says "take the heroin, it's good," that most of us can see easily that it is bad and Satan is taking us away.

Satan doesn't send a "bad man" our way who gives us a gun and asks us to join his gang.

No, that would be way to obvious, way too wrong. Way too easy for people who love God to easily say "No, I won't shoot someone.".

Satan works in such a different way.
He is the leader of one huge colony of dust mites who do tiny things here and there. At first, they don't matter. If you speed a little bit one day, or you say a bad word, or maybe you slip up and say a lie, or cheat on just one question on the test, or say one bad thing about your friend or your roommate.

These little tiny sins that we do everyday. They don't seem bad. I mean, we aren't killing anyone are we? We aren't really hurting anyone, are we?

Maybe we don't directly hurt someone, maybe we don't intentionally do it. But each and every day, as we slowly and steadily allow those small things to become habits in our lives, we are slowly but steadily allow Satan to have more and more influence over our lives.

Maybe it's just one comment here or there, but those comments add up, they cause anger, they cause pain, to the giver and the receiver.

And then when we finally want to stop, when we want to stop gossiping and stop lying, or stop cheating, it becomes that much harder because they are our daily habits.

Those little sins, they do hurt. Maybe we think they are less than murder, or adultery.
But I assure you, they are just as bad.

God see's sin as sin.
No unclean person can enter into his presence.

If you are a liar, or, if you are a murderer,
God see's you the same. He see's you as a sinner.

And people who are in their sin will never be able to enter God's kingdom.
No matter what sin it is.

No sin will ever be allowed.
Because God is pure, God's kingdom is pure, it's a place of perfect purity, there is no room for any sin.

That's why God gave Jesus, His Sacred Son.

Because Jesus understands sin. He understands all of our weaknesses, he understands all of our temptations. He understands all of the reasons we want to sin, and the reasons why we choose to sin. Jesus knows it all, because... he experienced IT ALL.

Jesus Christ is our advocate.
When God is there to judge us,
He will be a asking Jesus Christ about us.

He will ask if we were sinners.
He will ask if we repented.
He will ask if we have faith in Christ.
He will ask if we never gave up.
He will ask if Jesus find's us acceptable to enter into His Kingdom.

Jesus is our advocate.
I heard this beautiful story once.
It was the story of Christ.
The story of a huge storage room.
In it, were every single sin that was ever committed.
There was a drawer full of sexual sins, a drawer full of alcohol and drug sins,
a drawer full of lies, a drawer full of disobedience, a drawer full of hate, a drawer full of anger. There was a drawer for every single sin, and all of them were committed by me.

Jesus walks in, and slowly, kindly, and gently, he opens the drawer.
He pulls out the first sin.
Where my name is, he crosses it out, and he signs his own name.
My name is no longer seen.
He goes to the next sin, and he signs his name again.
Then he goes to the next sin, they get worse and worse as he goes along, and he signs it.

He literally signs away every single sin that I ever committed,
and I am free.
And I am sinless, and I am able to return to God, my Heavenly Father.

I am welcome, and I am loved.

At the end, Jesus gives me a big hug, he says he loves me, and he says, you are always welcome,
please stay.

That kingdom is now my home.
My place to live, and all of was done, through my Savior Jesus Christ.

I am worthy, I am pure, and God had just been waiting for me to start believing and start following and Jesus came right on in and took every one of my sins.

The beauty of gospel is this: you can always change. You always have the opportunity to become spotless before the day of the Lord comes.

You can grow, you can change, and best of all, you can follow the Holy Spirit, who will guide you in all things and bring unto you the greatest happiness we could ever experience.

Don't let the dust mites get you down.
You're better than that.
And Christ knows it, God knows it, and Satan knows it too, he just won't give up the fight.

But keep fighting, stay on God's side. He will protect you, and bring you peace.


  1. Libbie! Cathie Wengreen just told me you have a blog, so I hurried home and read every one of your posts. You are amazing, and beautiful inside and out. You live Aloha! I also found out that you have a mission call to serve in Arizona. This decision will bring you so much joy. I can see by your blog that you have great understanding of the immeasurable love of Heavenly Father and our Savior have for all of us. Your insights and testimony will continue to bless many, many people! I am sending some of your posts to Carly. She will love it! (she has a blog: carlyhelton.blogspot.com). Mahalo nui loa, Libbie, for sharing your goodness. I will continue to read your wonderful blog. Laurel

  2. aww thank you so much! That is so very kind! I will definitely be reading Carly's blogs! I'm so impressed by her example! She is so awesome:)
