Tuesday, December 2, 2014

T'is the Season

Tis the season,
for love and cheer,
It's coming soon,
Christmas in near.

Celebration of Christ,
of his dear birth, 
It's a celebration,
that doesn't even comprehend his worth.

Yet still, it's lovely,
it's completely divine,
it's a day full of love,
with families in time.

Christ was born,
in Bethlehem,
A glorious being,
in a stable, small and broken.

But the spirit of this baby boy,
is much stronger than the rest,
he is the loving savior,
he's gone through the worst and best.

He did it because he loves us,
he loved us then and now,
he deserves our full selves,
for us to kneel and bow.

To consecrate ourselves to God,
the one who sent his son,
which means that we align our will to his,
so that our purpose can be one.

The purpose to be happy,
to love one another every day,
to expand our family,
in each and every way.

God loves me, yes I know this,
I know it is so true,
he loves me, loves me, yes he does,
Jesus loves me too.

So celebrate the birthday, of Jesus Christ, the Lamb,
the one who takes away our sins,
the one who looks at us within.
Celebrate with respect,
with honor and with care,
spend time with your family,
and let your love be shared.

--Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian)

(Jesus Christ statue in the Temple Visitor's Center, La'ie Hawaii)


  1. Thank you for sharing your touching poetry!!! Merry Christmas, Sister Poirer! May your coming experience in the MTC be marvelous preparation for a meaningful missionary work!!! Sending much love!

  2. Mele kalikimaka and a hau'oli makahiki hou! Libbie your are beautiful inside and out! Thanks for sharing your poetry and love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love to read what you write. Laurel
