Wednesday, April 1, 2015


So this week went by super well:) We went bowling on Monday! We might go to a baseball game today! GO GIANTS:) This is my district bowling they are so cool. Then this is me eating fruit from a Mexican Shack. Funny story, I was trying to show off the pretty fruit, and ended up spilling it all over my dress and the floor. #LibbieProblems#SisterPoirierProblems#missionaryProblems so if you're having a bad week. Just think of me spilling all the creme over my dress and all my companion saying "this is why white girls don't go into Mexican stores". Yeah. That girl next to me is Dulce, all her family are members of the church but she isn't. She wants to raise her family in the Church of Jesus Christ, but she doesn't quite want to be baptized yet! We explain that baptism is just the first step. And Jesus Christ! He too got baptized! We pray for her every night! She is super sweet! We saw the Jesus the Christ pagent in mesa! It was so great! Jesus Christ rose from the dead! It's a free pagent put on by the church that talks about Jesus's life and his death and his ressurection! We went once in english with our english investigators! And once in spanish! The spanish one was so cool! And we had 9 investigators come! Investigators just mean people that are investigating the church! It was so great to have them come because it helped them see how much Christ plays a part in our church. He is literally the center of our church! 2 Nephi 25:26 "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins" It's all about Christ! And Christ makes me so happy! We are focusing on families these next three weeks! Because families are the most important! I also realized that my address wasn't sent out to half of you because of email problems! So here it is: Sister Libbie Rose Poirier Arizona Tempe Mission 1871 E Del Rio Dr. Tempe, Arizona 85282 Feel free to write, but don't feel obligated:) If you write me, I write back. I'm probably better at responding to letters than emails:) Just so you know! Spanish is going good! I'm going work really hard this week to study it better. Studying is the hardest part for me! But that's okay because I'm going to try anyways and ask for God's help. In preparation for Easter! I encourage all of you to read the accounts in Matthew Mark, Luke or John, about Christ's resurrection and how beautiful and marvelous and wonderful Christ truly is! If ye feel so inspired tell me how it went and what you learned. I send all my love, -Hermana Libbie Poirier


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