Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The MTC: 1st Week

Missionary Training Center:
People told me it was hard.
They didn't tell me that it was the happiest place on earth.

What did I learn this week?
I learned that God wants me to learn patience. 

My first flight was cancelled. Then I missed my second one, so it had to be rescheduled.
I got in many hours later than expected.... then.... my bags got in wayyyy late, so I didn't even get them till the day after.
Then I arrived at the MTC, found my bags, and my companion showed up a day and a half late.

But the one thing that I learned... is that with patience,, brings the best things!

For example! The BEST COMPANION. Her name is Hermana Sedgwick. 
She seriously is the best.
Her and I get along so well.
We played volleyball yesterday for an hour, and went craaazzy!
I also played soccer and ran the other few days.

What we learned on sunday was something amazing.

5     10  3
4     6    8
9     2    7

I hope this turns out right.

These are all numbers.
For example, if we had to rate people's skills.
or characteristics.

The most important thing about these numbers is that if you add up the first row, 5 plus 10 plus 3,  it equals 18,
if you add up the second, 18,
and keep going. If you add the rows down, and diagnol, they all equal 18.

The important part of this lesson, is that even if I'm a 2 or a 3 or a 10, I am needed,
and I am not needed any more or any less than any of the other numbers. Because if one number was missing, then we could never ever add up to 18.

That's what it's like having a companion and being in a district. There are 8 people in our district for learning spanish. Maybe my spanish is a 8 compared to the others, but my gospel principles are a 2 compared to everyone else, but the important part, is that my 8 is needed just as much as my 2. 

And so what I learned,
is that whatever number I am... to be the best that I can be! To be the best 5 I can be. To be the best 2 I can be, the best 8 I can be.

Because whatever number I am, I am needed.
And you too, you are needed, all of you.
God needs all of us and loves all of us.
And whatever contribution to the world we can make, HE NEEDS IT.
He couldn't be without the 1's or the 2's, and all the 10's need the 2's and the 2's need the 10's.
It brings  a whole new perspective to your value in life.

Pray to God,
He will give you comfort! 
I love you all,
And I love the MTC.
And I honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here,

With Love,
-Hermana Poirier 

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