Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Family

I looked in the mirror after my shower this morning, and I thought about myself.
And I realized that one day, it won't just be me, alone, staring at myself.

From the very beginning of joining this church, I was taught about Adam and Eve, and how their choices really affected our plan here on earth.

I remember one day, after searching the scriptures for hours and trying to find out all I could about all the 'appendages' to the gospel. I made a chart and a list and I went back and forth from reference to reference, and then I stopped. I stopped, and I wrote down...
"Adam and Eve are key"

That's it. Right now, in my journal, you would find a huge mess of notes, and then a simple statement that says "Adam and Eve are key".

It was complete revelation. I wrote it down, not even knowing what I was doing. But I wrote it down because it felt right.

It wasn't until looking back on my journal that I wrote last year, that I saw that, and I pondered, and really took time to think about it.

Because one day, it won't be just me, alone, staring at myself in the mirror. One day, I will have a husband beside me, staring at me, smiling at me, telling me that I'm beautiful.

Adam and Eve are essential to the gospel, because Adam and Eve's choice made it possible for us to have family.

Everyone always speaks about the sins of Adam and Eve, and their transgressions. And yes, it's true, they partook of the fruit, that God commanded them not to partake of. But Eve took it anyways.

I have come to find out, that neither Adam nor Eve wanted to partake of the fruit. But Eve, when tempted by Satan, she saw beyond.

Lucifer in the garden, did indeed beguile her, but what Lucifer didn't realize, is that it was all a part of God's plan anyways.

If you realize in Genesis 4 is when Adam and Eve conceive a child, AFTER they were cast out of the garden of Eden.

Eve saw beyond, she saw that it was important for them to have children. She saw that it was important for them to leave the Garden so that they wouldn't be in a state of innocence. She saw that is was better for them to experience sorrow and pain, so that they could experience joy.

And one of the most important joys in life is family. And having children.
That's why Adam and Eve are key to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Because Adam and Eve taught the importance of family.

I sometimes think how hard it must have been, to go from living in a beautiful wonderful garden, to the treacherous world, where they were no longer in God's presence.

But I then think about how it was worth it, worth it so that they could have a family, and through our Savior Christ and God's plan, we can all return to Heavenly Father someday.

It's so beautiful. I have never gained such an appreciation for the Old Testament than I have today, in realizing the essence of Family in God's plan, and how Adam and Eve has showed us the way and example to eternal happiness.

These things I say,
In Jesus Name,

 (Picture from 

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