Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day!
Day of love, a few days again:)
Our district had the mostest sweets in the whole world, like candy and
chocolate and cinnamon rolls and ice cream.
Spanish is good too.

We went to the temple today and we did sealings.
Sealings are when a couple of families get sealed together for eternity:

So people don't just get married on earth, but also, in God's plan for
the eternities!
We teach about the plan of salvation all the time! The plan has a few
names, plan of salvation, plan of redemption, and my very favorite,
A plan that makes us happy.
And the central key of that plan is... JESUS CHRIST:)

God wants us to be happy, so he gave us Jesus. Also God wants us to be
happy, so he gave us families. Families can be together forever
through Heavenly Father's plan!

In the sealing rooms, there are two mirrors on both sides.
It's beautiful because the only thing you can see in the mirror is the
other person across from you.

I got to participate as a daughter of families who passed away who
didn't get the opportunity to be sealed in eternity forever.
So after we do that work for them, they can choose if they want to
accept it and if they want to be together forever!

It's beautiful!

The mirror is great because to be happy for eternity, you aren't going
to be thinking about yourself, you will be thinking about your spouse
and loving and serving them:)

Kind of like my companion in my mission, we try to serve each other
and love each other. And if we are contentious or it's getting hard;
the best I thing we can do is try to have charity, and I try to serve
my companion. It puts me in her shoes and helps me realize why she
might be feeling the way she is or treating me a certain way. Then we
talk about it in Comp inventory and work through things through
compromise and change.

It's a process but I love it:)
I love my companion more and more everyday. Not even a lie!

Learning to love like Jesus did, or at least trying my best:)

What's one thing you can do this week for someone you don't like or
don't get along with or are fighting or having trouble with? Maybe try
and serve them!! It helps:)

Have a wonderful super day lovelies!!!

Also!! Prayer is good too! I did a cool kind of mock lesson and I had
two other missionaries teach me, and I prayed during the lesson out
loud with them and I asked God, if he loves me and if he still talks
to me!
And I felt the holy spirit and started crying! I know God continues to
communicate with us!
He communicates it many ways!! And we can communicate with him through
prayer! :)

So say a prayer, ask God if he can hear or if he cares! I promise he
does! He loves everyone of his children!

D&C 18:10 The worth of souls is great in the eyes of God!!

With love,
Hermana Poirier
Valentine's Day fun and temple and friends

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