Thursday, June 5, 2014


My Grandpa Leo always started the day out saying "Today's gonna be a great day." - Almost 70 years old and still kickin'  my grandpa always makes sure that his day is a great day. However, for myself, I can't always say the same. As much as I want every day to be a great day, there are just some days that really suck. One thing I realized last night, is that Satan disguises himself, in millions and billions of different ways. Sometimes he slightly leads you off path, other times, he shoots bow and arrows at you all day long. For me, I often try my hardest to dodge those arrows, but the truth is, we really just have to face them, head on. Whether we want to or not, those arrows will keep coming, and there is no way we can stop them. But we can do one thing, and one thing only, and that is to put on the Armor of God.

The Armor of God isn't as easily done and wonderful as it sounds. Yes, it is wonderful,  but it is a whole hell of a lot harder than anything we've ever done before. The Armor isn't just a quick prayer in the morning, or the intention to do good throughout the day. No, the Armor is actively pushing yourself to do better and working your butt off in order to protect yourself from the evil guiles of the adversary.  Guiles are a trap, they are defined as treacherous or cunning tricks. And believe me, the devil is treacherous, and when you start heeding to his words, instead of the Lord's is when you find yourself in grave danger, with very little possibility to get yourself out.

But that little possibility is still there. And that is through Jesus Christ, and God. They will help you. They do help you, even in ways you don't realize right now.

I can't say that today will be a great day, or even a good day. But I can say that I will do my darndest to push my hardest, to work my very best, at making this day at least remotely good, and a day that I can be proud of when I look back in the eternities. A day that I can look back and say "Today, I made it. I pushed through, I tried. And because of today, it made me more capable to endure tomorrow." That's what the Gospel is about. Pushing through, becoming stronger, enduring more, enduring further, and never giving up, even after the day the Lord has come.- That's the definition of enduring to the end. And today, and everyday. I am and you are, enduring to the end.


  1. libbie!! :) i love this!!! i'm trying to follow you on here but you don't have a follow button!

  2. I believe it is to the right underneath my photo my darling:)
