Wednesday, June 18, 2014

E-burg at It's Finest

First off, I want to start off by explaining a bit about my sister, Emilie. She is beautiful. About 5 foot 8, size 11 feet, and bright red hair. For those of you that don't know her, you are missing out, BIG TIME. 

The next best thing about Emilie, besides her beauty, is her creativity, and her love of decorating, anything and everything. Whether it's full on decorating her room, or just one of her favorite cups, everything Emilie owns, is decorated, some way or some how.

The next thing you may want to know, is about me, Libbie, 5 foot 3, size 7 feet, and blonde hair. And I like organization. I'm not obsessive about it. Nor do I care about germs or the cleanliness of things. But when in comes to clothes, books, makeup, hair, I like everything to be organized in a certain fashion.

Well, yesterday, Emilie and I started the adventure of our lives, by moving into a 12 foot by 12 foot studio apartment in the little town of Ellensburg, Washington. And because we are girls, and because we are Poirier's we have about a million things that we have to fit in this, along with the bed we are sharing, all and all the kitchen supplies.

I walk in to the apartment, and the first thing I see, is Emilie's clothes, the way that she packed them and got them here, probably involved a lot of stuffing and throwing. Needless to say, I was shocked, and we had a lot of work to do. Just to show you how things were, there are two photos below of the room.
Left Picture Features: Emilie's Wardrobe,a few of my nicely packed boxes 
Right Picture Featured: Emilie's Wardrobe and my longboard

Well, After we got settled. Meaning we got everything thrown into the room, we started to organize, and reorganize, and organize some more. Emilie had a date, so it was my plan to try and finish all the cleaning before she got back. The reason for my delightful plan, was that Emilie talked on and on about the joyous plans she had of decorating. And to her dismay, decorating is not my forte nor my joy. Therefore, I figured if I cleaned all of it, the only thing left for her to do, would be the decorating as I would relax on the bed watching, and cheering along.

However, I couldn't clean everything; my exhaustion hit me and I left to attend institute, a class for the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to attend every tuesday night, eat ice cream, and make friends. 

Phase Two: My Cleaning

Featured: The room with never-ending work

Well Emilie came home, and I came home, after some free ice cream from institute. I had coconut, Emilie had berry. It was superb. And it was a great way to start out our night of work to begin. 

After Emilie saw my work, she was overjoyed and glad at how much I had done. But, Emilie is also very smart. And to my surprise, she asked "Did you do all this so that you wouldn't have to decorate?" I had done all this and assumed that she would come home, praise me for my efforts as a sister and think I did it all for my love and care for our sisterhood. But, my sister knows me, and apparently, she knew my intentions, and she caught on, real fast.

Needless to say, I didn't get out of decorating. But instead, I helped "decorate" the makeup section. All I did was organize all the makeup and hairbands and earrings and necklaces. And boy do they look good. And Emilie decorated the room. And did quite a splendid job.

Phase three: Decorations
 Emilie's Closet                                               Libbie's Books and Art Supplies
Decorations above Bed by Emilie
ADVENTURE PACKS!                            Makeup/Hair Section

Libbie's Closet + Decorations above by Emilie

My Favorite: With two Llamas featured on the left

Emilie and I ended the night with a water break. I did my scripture study. We got ready for bed. Then we said a nightly prayer together, and thanked God for the adventurous and lovely summer that will bring us close together as sisters. We finished the night by watching our favorite, Pretty Little Liars. Then fell asleep and dreamed of the wondrous things that are to come tomorrow.

Lesson of the day: If you want something done in life, it will take a lot of hard work. It will take a lot of time, a lot of energy, But it can also be a lot of fun if you let it. Life is hard and tedious sometimes, but it's worth it. And, it's a whole lot of fun. Don't miss the fun times because you're too focused on finishing the job. 

And another lesson, we need decorations in life, or it makes for a pretty plain and boring way. 

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