Sunday, June 22, 2014

Church in the 'Burg

A very fascinating testimony for a very drained Sunday of mine. Getting back from a long family reunion, and making it just on time for church, I literally sat and was on the verge of tears the whole while during church. But, THANKFULLY, I made some friends. Mostly adults, but there were three boys who sat next to me during Sunday school, and they made it quite a welcoming experience.

The one thing I don't think I'll ever truly understand about the church is how everyone knows you. Before I even left sacrament meeting, I had 5 people come up to me and say "You must be Libbie". Apparently everyone knew I was coming, before I even came. Must be some mind-reading or something, or some very caring bishops who wanted to make me feel welcome.

Anyways, a beautiful young lady bore her testimony about knowledge. Her name is Julia Allen and she said "You are the best tool for learning." Which made a lot of sense. She also said "Happiness comes from knowledge"

The next speaker, Amara McBride said "Sometimes we think what is asked of us is too difficult. But those things turn into the greatest blessings that we could ask for" I think this weekend I was quite overwhelmed. I felt God was asking too much. But this gave me hope.

And a very wise man, Dean Allen, I assume to be Julia's Grandfather, he said "The Savior never was a victim. He never blamed anyone for what he had to go through on the cross." He continued by saying "We don't need to be victims, we are better than that." That hit home for me. There is this real great quote that my mom wrote for my sister. We have it hanging on the wall, it states "I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become" And that's true. We are what we choose to become, no matter what our past.

(Quote from my Mom hanging on our wall)

I want to leave on this note that Dean Allen stated in his testimony, he said "We all go through difficult times. We need to remember that Heavenly Father is still in charge."

No matter what you're going through, no matter how hard it is, no matter the sacrifices you're making, or the struggles that you think you can't face, remember, that Heavenly father is still in charge, and will always be in charge. The peace that brings to my soul. And the peace I hope it brings to yours.

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