Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dancing way off-beat

There is something about this gospel, something beautiful, something incredible. Today is Sunday, CHURCH DAY! The day that I get to wear my best, look my best, and do it all for the Lord. The interesting thing about Sunday's is they happen each and every week.

Yesterday, two truly amazing things happened. Miracles. Miracles happened.

First, my extended family, our family that we haven't talked to in years. They came to my graduation party, they came to say hello, and show that they truly cared and truly loved, and no matter what happened in these past of not speaking, that we will all still be family, no matter what. Our family had the love and courage to come and show their immense love and care that they have for me and my family. This never would have happened without God and his help. The Gospel Of Christ brings families together. Because families can and they will, be together, forever. Below is a picture of my sisters and parents, and my wonderful, caring cousins.

(Emilie, Gavin, Libbie (me), Jameson, Abbie, Aaron, Michael (dad), Maureen (mom) POIRIER's)
A memory of family, that I will truly never forget.

The next miracle was something that came out of surprise. I wrote a poem last night in my journal to describe these feelings:

June 8th 2014,
I started leaving my room messy,
walking barefoot on the street,
humming fancy songs,
singing wayyyyyy off-beat.
I forgot what it was like to be happy,
I forgot my feelings of difference.
But when I'm in my "ME" moments,
all I want to do is Dance.

-The end.

Tip of the Day: Find someone who loves  you for   you. Every single part of it; especially the weird, hyper, crazy parts. Find someone who loves you for YOU, ALL OF YOU.

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