Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wagoner's Wonderland

The power of family is something that is truly incredible. 
God gave us family, so that we can learn, so that we can be in this wonderful, terrible, beautiful, horrible life together. And that we can survive, and have an incredible time while doing so.

I want to talk about my Great Grandpa Owl.
When I was younger, I would hear everyone talk about Grandpa "Owl".
I've been told he was the nicest, most generous man that anyone could ever meet.

It wasn't till about two years ago that someone was talking to me, and said,
"Libbie, Did you just say 'Owl'?"
I said "Of Course! Grandpa Owl!!"

Well, it turns out, his name wasn't Owl. It was Al. And Al was short for Alfred.

That caused much mocking, and laughing throughout the family.

But I mean, even now, the two sound so similar...

I mean, really... A-L or O-W-L? How was I supposed to know?!

Alfred Sax, is the correct name, for all who don't know.

He owned an orchard in Peshastin, WA and a long
time ago he sold it to a wonderful man named Louie Wagoner.

A winery was built, this is called the Icicle Ridge Winery.

Sometimes people say "It's a small world"..
but in my mind, It's a big world! A HUGE WORLD, with millions of influences from God.

This summer I decided to live in Ellensburg, rather than Mississippi, and I decided to take classes rather than my first idea to work. I also decided to take Spanish rather than my first impression of taking sign language. Due to all of these changes and influences in my life, I ended up meeting a friend of a lifetime, Daniel Rossback.

While searching for an Ellensburg apartment for the Summer, he had the opportunity to live with his friend in Peshastin instead.

His friend, Nick Wood, has a wonderful loving family.
Nick's mom is Kristen Wood, formally known as Kristin Wagoner.

Who just happens to be Louie Wagoner's daughter.
Talk about 'coincidences.'

Long story come to be short, I got invited to a jazz concert at this Wagoner, and Wood owned Winery, and was able to enjoy a splendid Saturday and Sunday with The Wagoner's and Wood's, and of course my friend Daniel.

(Sign outside of the Wood's House) 

And I got the honor of talking to the loving Louie Wagoner. Who said this to me:
"If you are half the person that your Great Grandpa was, then you will be an incredible lady"

I almost cried.
Louie Wagoner, someone so hardworking, loving, kind, honest, incredible, was telling me that my Grandpa was an even more incredible man.

I never knew my Great Grandpa "Owl", but I've been blessed to meet and talk with Louie, and if I know one thing about my Great Grandpa, it's that he has a great sense of other's heart's,  and that when he decided to sell the orchard to Louie, he must have known with all his heart, that Louie's heart was so big, and that Louie too, would make a positive impact in so many lives.

God is a part of our lives. Whether we know it or not. God has a plan for ALL of our plans and back-up plans. And God allows us to choose, but He also helps us and blesses us and shows us that each and everyday he is working in our lives. He works in each one of everyone's lives, and we just have to open our eyes, and believe, and have faith, that God is here, and He always will be, and then we will see all that God does, and realize that this world isn't small, but in this big world, God is helping and guiding us in each and every part of our lives, and it just happens that we call those "coincidences".

I don't believe in coincidences. I never have. Coincidences are a way to describe something that doesn't make sense to us. But it makes sense to God. And it isn't a coincidence. It's a wonderful thought-out plan from our Lord.

We should never underestimate the influence of God in our lives. 
And I'm just so grateful for God's influence in mine. 

(Louie Wagoner, Me, Judy Wagoner)

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