Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Turtles have Talents Too

Might seem a bit overwhelming to have two posts in a day: But honestly, needs are it be spoken. 

God wants us to develop our talents and our gifts. He loves us. 

I got a journal from my cousins as a graduation gift and in it, it states
 "If she got really quiet and listened, new parts of her wanted to speak" 

(Journal from Julie and Darron Sax for my graduation gift) 
From Deseret Book Stores (a mormon owned store, I found out about four weeks ago)

Now think of the talents you have. Think of other talents you have. Now think of none of those talents.
Sometimes, it takes us to silence our talents in order to realize the other talents that want to take part.

All talents are good. But some talents inside of you can bring you more happiness than others will.
I think that's the difference between choosing good or choosing evil.  
I think it's based on the effort and time you put towards your talents.

Everyone is good at something. I promise you, everyone is GREAT at something.

But not every- something, is a good thing. 

Maybe instead of focusing on all your talents you have.
Focus on the ones that maybe you don't see. 
Focus on the talents that are shouting and crying from inside your soul.
Give them a chance to be heard.

It's time to get out of your shell. 
And let your shy talents get out too. 
Make the world a better place. One forgotten or missed talent at a time.
Turtles have talents too.
(Peyton Duane's Turtle named Leonard, a female turtle) 

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