Saturday, June 28, 2014

Learning to Love

I asked the missionaries today via texting "How can I receive revelation?"

The interesting part of that question, is that I know how. I honestly don't even know why I asked.
Especially in my life right now, is when I have been receiving the most revelation.

About a month ago, my plans quickly changed from moving to Mississippi for the summer, to instead living in Ellensburg, because of revelation from God. At that time, is when I also applied to central for summer classes, because of revelation from God. I broke up with my boyfriend, because of revelation from God. I talked with my Bishop, because of revelation from God. I, then, decided to start and finish my mission papers, because of revelation from God.

And now, I sit here today, and decide to ask the missionaries how I can receive revelation.

Honestly, I can't. No one can.
Except it be through the power of the Atoning one, Jesus Christ.

I thought to myself after the missionaries response.
I asked myself: Am I following God's commandments?...
YES, I am! Am I doing what I am supposed to?
YES! Am I following the promptings of the Lord?
 YES! Then I asked myself, why do I still feel this way.

I think sometimes we so often think of what we aren't doing wrong
rather than what we are doing right

And I wonder, am I really doing the right things? Following Christ isn't just about not breaking any rules. Following Christ is about loving yourself and others so much that your soul would never even dare think of breaking the rules.

Matthew 5:  28 states:
"But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" 

Although this speaks of adultery, this refers to all sin. If we think or desire to break a commandment, then we have, in essence, already broken it in our hearts. 

I think sometimes I get so wishful, and hopeful of my life, that I stop thinking of others. I want my plans, and my future, and I want to follow what God has for me

And the truth is, in order for me to figure out what God wants for me, and receive continuous revelation, I have to start thinking and hoping and wishing for the future of others. 

Dylan R Holden told me last night that
"Being an active participant in the work of salvation is the key to really being happy." 

We are instruments in the hands of God, and in order for us to truly be happy, we need to be serving and helping others, so that they may live a happier life, and become closer to the Savior.

If we learn to Love others first, we can get more of a sense for Christ's love 
and of God's plans for our lives. 

(My Sister, Abbie's Bridal shower for Abbie and Kevin Wedding Aug. 2014: Kiss with a sticker LOVE on it) 

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