Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Christ's Grace is Sufficient

The effect of an "R" rated movie is much more than just the things which we see. Everything was made spiritually and temporally after the creation of the Lord. As the Lord desires for our welfare and for us to prosper in the land, there is an opposite and equal reaction from our common enemy, Lucifer. Just as the Lord desires so strongly for our success, so does Satan desire the contrary, for us to falter and to be kept in bondage. 

It is interesting then, to think of the little sins and the eternal effect they may have on us. 
Everything now and hereafter has an intelligence, therefore for us to say "just this once" and allow an intelligence to enter our body is like opening our house to a small cockroach, and saying "just this once, will make little to no difference". 

The thing that we don't realize is that our minds, hearts, and spirits aren't like open houses where things come and go as they please. Our whole soul and body are things that we have to actively choose. Therefore, when a cockroach comes inside, we have to go to measures to get it out. 

That's where obedience and the atonement of Christ comes in. People often misunderstand the idea of obedience in the kingdom of God, and think it's unnecessary with the grace of God and Jesus Christ, but what they don't realize, is that without personal choices and obedience to the Lord's commandments, is like opening all the windows and all the doors to our house and then expecting when the cleaning inspector comes to check, that there will be no bugs, no webs, and will be perfectly clean. 

Obedience is first and foremost, shutting all the windows and doors of our house, and then taking time to clean the inside, and get out all dirtiness and bugs outside. 

And once you get to the cleaning part of the house, is the refining part in the atonement, the part where Christ's grace comes in, and is able to cover for all the imperfections inside of us, as we look towards him, and continue to do our job inside, then Christ's grace is sufficient to all men.