Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Let yourself glow

The days go by,
One by one,
Exact same day it feels,
With little fun.

You look out the window,
See birds flying by
You wonder how-
They got so high 

Your mind wanders off,
And thinks how nice it would be
To be a bird, 
To be so free

To cheerfully fly from place to place 
With soft wings and a cute little face.

But you're not a bird,
All it seems you can do 
Is to push on and try.

But trying isn't enough,
When those thoughts come,
You realize you aren't as tough
As you though you'd become.

I thought I was strong,
Able to take on the world,
But then my emotions came
Unleashed and unfurled.

But Jesus stops me:
Says "Hey, it's okay
I know that this is just 
One of your hardest days,

I know it because 
I've felt it too,
The hurt: the pain: 
the feelings you go through.

I see you each night as you kneel down with me,
I hear your words, your crying plea.

Your plea for help,
For me to take this from you,
You just keep begging 
To become someone anew.

And I'm here for you, I promise,
But it's your cross you have to bear,
Don't get me wrong now, it doesn't 
Mean that I don't care.

I'm your brother, your savior, redeemer, 
I love you,
I'm here by your side through good times 
And all the bad too.

I can't take this from you,
No,, not quite yet,
Because I'm helping you become 
That young missionary,
So stable and set. 

I see beyond this struggle,
These dark days of the past,
I see a faithful missionary,
A missionary who lasts.

Lasting through every trial,
With a smile on your face,
Never running too fast,
But determined- to finish the race.

A missionary of hope,
Of love, .. Not fear
A missionary who recognizes 
That I am so near.

That I hear your cries,
I hear your pleas,
I'm right next beside you
When you crying on your knees. 

You are the missionary
 that anyone wants to be,
The one who is stronger
Than rough storms or seas.

So don't give up,
Don't end it quite yet,
Your about to be the strongest person 
This world has ever met.

Good night grand missionary,
Lay down get your rest,
Wake up with a smile 
To endure your next test. 

And remember I love you
More than you'll ever know
Now go let your light shine,
Go let yourself glow!"